The most common form of depression is often referred to as unipolar depression. There are important differences between unipolar and bipolar. In addition to going through low moods or depression, individuals with bipolar disorder also have high moods known as mania during which they may experience increased energy, feelings of euphoria, insomnia (inability to sleep) or impulsive behaviors. With unipolar depression the individual does not go through the “highs” or manic states of a bipolar depression.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention states that lifetime prevalence of depression is 35.7 million. This is projected to increase to 35% from 2005 to 2050. About 48 million adults in the United States are expected to be diagnosed with depression by 2050.
Diagnosing bipolar disorder can be difficult, because it looks similar to depression when someone’s in a low phase. Furthermore, a person can experience depressive episodes for several years without experiencing mania or hypomania, a less severe form of mania. That’s why it is important to tell your doctor or counselor about all the symptoms you have been experiencing,
A helpful guide to treatment is a Brain SPECT Scan that can provide an objective assessment, proving to be very helpful in the physician’s differential diagnosis of unipolar/bipolar disorder. Also, it can provide the patients and their family members with realistic evidence that unipolar/bipolar disorder is a biological problem that can be effectively treated. In the course of better understanding the problem, both patients and family members are more likely to comply with and support their recommended treatment plans.
We are here to help. Our staff and physicians are here to help you feel better. We believe that we can offer additional strategies for understanding your brain’s current functioning through the use of SPECT imaging–a functional brain imaging modality. If you have questions and would like to learn more or schedule an appointment contact us at 1-800-315-5739.